1.Выберите группу/певца и отвечайте только названиями их песен или строчками из них.
Franz Ferdinand. А вы что подумали?
2. Вы мужчина или женщина?
Ничего не могу сказать, кроме как I'm not a girl, Not yet a woman. Girl - будем считать, что это значит "девочка".
3. Опишите себя.
My soul starts spinning again
I can't stop feeling
No, I won't stop feeling
And the fun's not fun anymore
I can't stop feeling
No, I won't stop feeling
FF - Cant stop feeling. Первое, что пришло на ум)
4. Как к вам относится кто-кто из окружающих?
You couldn't say why you loved him
He's asking you why you loved him
You couldn't say why you loved him
But he gave you a list
Of all the reasons why he did
And you couldn't reply
But you could say that you did
FF - Your Diary
5. Как вы сами к себе относитесь?
She came from greece she had a thirst for knowledge, she studied
Sculpture at saint martin's college, that's where I caught her eye. she
Told me that her dad was loaded, I said in that case I'll have a rum and
Coke-cola. she said fine and in thirty seconds time she said, I want to
Live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do, i
Want to sleep with common people, I want to sleep with common people
Like you.
Pulp - Common People
6. Опишите нынешнего любимого человека...
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her and you can't have her
You want to, but she wont let you
Типа не her, а him
FF - Auf Acse
7. Опишите место, где вы хотели бы сейчас быть?
So far away
Come on I'll take you far away
Let's get away
Come on let's make a get away
FF - Fade Together
Find me and follow me
Through corridors refectories
And files you must follow
Leave this academic factory
Will find me in the matinee
The dark of the matinee
It's better in the matinee
The dark of the matinee is mine
Yes it's mine
FF - Dark Of The Matine
8. Опишите, кем/чем вы хотели бы стать.
FF - Lyndsey Wells
11. Опишите свой подход к жизни.
The Strokes - You Only Live Once
The Strokes - You Only Live Once
12. Опишите свой подход к любви.
FF - Fade Together
FF - Fade Together
I sent you to suicide, lover
Opened up the vein
So you're an angel, lover
FF - Sorry Angel
13. Скажите пару умных слов.
You're the reason I'm leaving
FF - You're the reason I'm leaving))))
14. Опишите место, где вы живете.
I live in the Merchant City, drive a 4x4
I eat M&S, it tastes of nothing
I taste of nothing
I am the New Scottish Gentry
Anglified vowels, sub London thoughts
I am the New Scottish Gentry
Anglified vowels, sub London thoughts
хотелось бы)
FF - Shoping For Blood
15. Опишите состояние вашей души на данный момент.
But I just don't know what you meant
FF - What You Meant))
16. Ваша философия.
You can feel my lips undress your eyes
Undress your eyes, undress your eyes
Words of love and words of leisure
Words of poisoned darts of pleasure
Died... and so you died
FF - Darts Of Pleasure)) Гыгы, да нет конечно.
She's not so special, so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special, so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special, so look what you've done
FF - Auf Acse