
Вот так незадача, Маргарет! Где, во имя корсета Кэри, твоя палатка?
Придуууурки.. (с) :lol:

Ангелин, ты меня понял :lol:

+не смотреть+на самом деле не смотреть.

я фанад))

и еще. я туд необычный такой.

и вообще у меня хорошее настроение. и вообще я плачу от Pulp "Disco 2000", потому что я прочитал слова.

27.09.2006 в 20:20

thx for the update. keep me posted.
я тоже от этого плачу.
27.09.2006 в 21:28

тьфу ты
жалко, конечно, героя, но так обычно в жизни и происходит...
27.09.2006 в 23:02

diarrhea runs in the family
а мне лень искать, может кто-нибудь положит слова? м?)
28.09.2006 в 19:31

thx for the update. keep me posted.
Well we were born within one hour of each other. Our mothers said we could be sister and brother. Your name is Deborah. Deborah. It never suited you Oh they thought that when we grew up, we'd get married and never split up. We never did it, although often I thought of it. Oh Deborah, do you recall? Your house was very small with wood-chip on the wall. When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all and I said "Let's all meet up in the year 2000. Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown? Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road" I never knew that you'd get married. I would be living down here on my own, on that damp and lonely Thursday years ago. You were the first girl at school to get breasts. Martyn said that you were the best. The boys all loved you but I was a mess. I had to watch them try and get you undressed. We were friends that was as far as it went. I used to walk you home sometimes but it meant nothing to you 'cos you were so popular. Ah Deborah do you recall? Your house was very small with wood-chip on the wall. When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all. I said "Let's all meet up in the year 2000. Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown? Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road". I never knew that you'd get married. I would be living down here on my own on that damp and lonely Thursday years ago. Oh yeah. Ah do you recall. Your house was very small with wood-chip on the wall. When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all. I said "Let's all meet up in the year 2000. Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown. Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road". I never knew that you'd get married. I would be living down here on my own on that damp and lonely Thursday years ago. Oh what are you doing Sunday baby? Would you like to come and meet me maybe? You can even bring your baby. Oh.
06.10.2006 в 14:41

Вот так незадача, Маргарет! Где, во имя корсета Кэри, твоя палатка?
Да так обычно и бывает.. От того и плачу.

Особенно на последнем припеве и строчках.
06.10.2006 в 18:47

Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants
очень необычная-) красивая.
08.10.2006 в 19:08

Вот так незадача, Маргарет! Где, во имя корсета Кэри, твоя палатка?
песня или аня?)
10.10.2006 в 19:10

Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants

песню я не знаю.
11.10.2006 в 17:01

Вот так незадача, Маргарет! Где, во имя корсета Кэри, твоя палатка?
оу. оу. ну тогда спасибо. большое)

Ты не слышала Pulp?
13.10.2006 в 19:26

Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants
но не эту песню.
14.10.2006 в 13:58

Вот так незадача, Маргарет! Где, во имя корсета Кэри, твоя палатка?

А что слышала?
16.10.2006 в 19:36

Вот так незадача, Маргарет! Где, во имя корсета Кэри, твоя палатка?


тока я его недавно посеяла :weep3:

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